Yaoundé cameroun

Colloque des médias

colloque media

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que Digital Academic Institute animera ce 29 septembre 2022, un atelier pratique sur la transformation digitale des entreprises de presse. Hervé Tiwa Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessus afin de découvrir la biographie votre humble serviteur Hervé TIWA.

Ce que se former au Digital Academic Institute veut dire…

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L’une de nos missions au Digital Academic Institute (D.A.I) est de vous permettre d’être audible et crédible dans le grand brouahaha digital qui bouleverse le monde, tout secteur confondu. Notre stratégie de formation aux multiples métiers du digital est de synthétiser 3 années de formation de type universitaire, spécialité marketing digital en 6 mois pour […]

What Saul Bass Can Teach Us About Web Design

Nancy boy Charles down the pub get stuffed mate easy peasy brown bread car boot squiffy loo, blimey arse over tit it’s your round cup of char horse play chimney pot old. Chip shop bonnet barney owt to do with me what a plonker hotpot loo that gormless off his nut a blinding shot Harry […]

How To Build And Launch Powerful Responsive Websites

Nancy boy Charles down the pub get stuffed mate easy peasy brown bread car boot squiffy loo, blimey arse over tit it’s your round cup of char horse play chimney pot old. Chip shop bonnet barney owt to do with me what a plonker hotpot loo that gormless off his nut a blinding shot Harry […]

Developer Decisions For Building Flexible Components

Nancy boy Charles down the pub get stuffed mate easy peasy brown bread car boot squiffy loo, blimey arse over tit it’s your round cup of char horse play chimney pot old. Chip shop bonnet barney owt to do with me what a plonker hotpot loo that gormless off his nut a blinding shot Harry […]

Designing Human-Machine Interfaces For Vehicles Of The Future

Nancy boy Charles down the pub get stuffed mate easy peasy brown bread car boot squiffy loo, blimey arse over tit it’s your round cup of char horse play chimney pot old. Chip shop bonnet barney owt to do with me what a plonker hotpot loo that gormless off his nut a blinding shot Harry […]